Talia's Back

Talia's Back

Friday, April 14, 2017

Three Years Later

It is 3 years today since Talia's surgery.  Yesterday she had her annual check up.  All is good.  Dr Bronson says he doesnt need to see her now for 2 years.  Thank you Shriners

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

No place like home

We had a good drive home yesterday.   Talia was pain free and happy to be heading north.   Today we got set up with her pump for nighttime feedings and Chico is home.  

Monday, April 21, 2014

Time to go Home

Sounds like we are going home tomorrow morning!  Talia will still have her tube in place and is a little embarrassed about it so has requested no visitors for a few days until her appetite improves and she can get the tube out.  Needless to say everyone is happy.  

stairs and x-rays

A couple of rewards and a visit from Happy

Two monter high create a monster kits for having an NG tube and 1 from physical therapy.
Happy came for a visit to make someone happy.  

Untethered and ready to race

She is tube free for 8 hours so time to eat on her own.  Time for a race right now.