Talia's Back

Talia's Back

Monday, April 21, 2014

Time to go Home

Sounds like we are going home tomorrow morning!  Talia will still have her tube in place and is a little embarrassed about it so has requested no visitors for a few days until her appetite improves and she can get the tube out.  Needless to say everyone is happy.  


  1. Wonderful news. our thumbs are up too!!!!

  2. Yaaay! Good job Talia. We've got 10 thumbs up here for you! :)

  3. Safe travels everyone! We'll see what we can do about getting the sun to shine for you ... amazing how only 8 days ago, you were just beginning this journey. Well done!!

  4. That is fantastic news! I am guessing you will be on the road right now! Please drive safely home! Love you oxoxox
