Talia's Back

Talia's Back

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Some Fun First

Although the big day will soon be here we've been spending our time in Spokane having some fun.  Yesterday we went to Mobius, one of Talia's favourite places in the world.  Here she is sending things flying across the big spinning desk.  To me it looks like she is spinning vinyl (is that a thing?).

She also enjoyed the audio room where she could "play" chords by touching coloured discs.

And this is Talia's new friend, one of the Winks fairies who is going to keep her company in the hospital.

Today we went to Rio 2 in 3D which Talia has been eagerly awaiting for weeks now.  She had alot of fun.  Ask her to tell you about the funny little frog.  :)

Tomorrow will be a relaxing day before surgery on Monday.

That's all for now.  



  1. Waiting to hear about the little frog! thanks for this blog. know that our love and prayers are with you to-morrow. God bless you, have a good rest to-night.

  2. We're happy that Talia had such a fun day! She will be in our thoughts and prayers tomorrow. Angie, Wayne & Ashley

  3. I can't wait to hear about the funny little frog! Good luck on your surgery tomorrow Talia. Love Auntie Leah
