Talia's Back

Talia's Back

Monday, April 14, 2014

6 am comes early

We arrived at the hospital at 6 am.  Talia is all checked in, showered and in her gown.  She is very anxious but the recreation person has given her a iPad to play on so she is keeping herself distracted.  We met with one of the doctors.  We are a Half hour or so away from the OR


  1. Keeping you in our prayers today! <3 LoveOn

  2. Amazing to think that all the careful steps you have taken over the past months have finally brought you to this place ... and, in just a matter of hours, you'll take the first baby steps leading you away from it all, already putting distance between this and the rest of Talia's life. Hang in there you awesome parents!

  3. What a day you will have! Praying for you guys and thinking of you often
