Talia's Back

Talia's Back

Friday, April 11, 2014

A little history

Talia always had a poker straight back, that is until a couple of years ago.  Tracy first noticed the curve in early 2012.  This is an x-ray from June of that year.  At that time the curve was 52.2 degrees.  
After visiting Shriner's Hospital in Spokane we felt that they offered the best care for her.  We were however determined to do whatever we could so that she wouldn't need surgery.  

We flew down to Las Vegas where she was fitted with some soft bracing.  It was an activity suit called a Tornado Suit. It is designed to keep the muscles engaged while the patient is wearing the suit.  

She also had to do some exercises.  Here she is working with Dr Elmer had lots of information for us.

The curve however had a mind of its own and continued to progress.

The next step was a rigid night brace which Peter from Thompson Orthotics made her.   Here is mom learning how to put it on.

The correction with the night brace was incredible.  This is an x-ray with it on.

Still the curve progressed.

The two x-rays above are from June 2013 with the top one showing how the curve was progressing.
The one below shows a comparison from November 2013 and June 2013.

Eventually we came to the conclusion that we were losing this battle and that it was time to commit to surgery.

We have had lots of visits to doctors: Surgeons, Cardiologist, Pediatricians, Chiropractors and Pulmonolgist.  Appointments for orthotics, x-rays, MRI's, drawing blood, ultra sounds and testing her lungs.  Through it all Talia has been a real trooper.  Not much fun to be poked and prodded but for the most part she keeps flashing that beautiful smile.

This is an x-ray from yesterday.  I don't know what degree the curve is at now.  I guess that doesn't matter anymore.  What matters is what degree curve it will be at after the surgery.

1 comment:

  1. unbelievable how fast it progressed. So glad you were on top of it and doing what ever you could to help, and now the surgery. WOW you guys are amazing. So glad you are able to share this with us
