Talia's Back

Talia's Back

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A visit with Peaches

How do you make a girl happy?


  1. Hey, Talia ... what a trooper you are! I met a girl at a clinic in Edmonton yesterday who had her surgery at your age (she's now 13) and she said she didn't get out of bed for the first 3 days. She thinks you must be being looked after by some pretty great people. She certainly didn't get any visits from four-legged friends. either. Anyway she says she's so glad she had the operation done and her life is much better for it.
    We're all cheering you on, Talia!

    1. That's awesome Kate! Thanks for the encouraging comments. It really means a lot to hear these success stories!

      Talia is doing terrific! The staff here is simply amazing! It was hard to believe that she would be up and moving the day after surgery but she was and she even took a few steps today! We know she's uncomfortable but not feeling too much pain because the insults are flying...very reassuring, lol. The nurses have thick skins and just roll with the punches. They'll all have plenty of new stories to tell after we check out! :)

      Mommy Tracy

  2. Peaches is a cutie and you sure can see how Talia loves to see her 4 legged friends. Glad to see a smile on her face! Keep up the good work Talia, you will be stronger in no time! Love Uncle Neil and Aunty Sharon xo

  3. Peaches is a beautiful dog. She's part Lasso Apso and part Cocker Spaniel. She just cuddled up next to Talia and enjoyed being loved. What a great service for the kids!

    Mommy Talia

  4. Love your smile Talia. and it looks like Peaches is smiling too. She looks very comfortable snuggled up to you. How nice to have her visit you You are doing great and we are so proud of you. love XXX
