Talia's Back

Talia's Back

Thursday, April 10, 2014

It's time

It seemed like it was so far away just a few weeks ago but now...  We arrived at the hospital last night and checked into the family center which is comfortable but at the same time it is institutional.  Suddenly it feels so real, so close, so now.  

We will try to keep posting regularly to keep those of you who want to follow along with Talia on her surgical adventure up to date.

Thank you to everyone for their thoughts and prayers.  We do greatly appreciate it.

Finally here is a look at Talia's back today.  Next week see it straight along with a few bars, nuts and screws.


  1. Thanks for posting this and setting up your blog. Our love and prayers are with you all. love, M & D

  2. Good luck on monday guys! Tell Talia I'm thinking about her :)

  3. Fuseball!! looks like fun. I bet you can beat Dad, Talia.

  4. Thanks Talia, Robert & Tracy for including us on this journey. Looking forward to future episodes and happy outcomes!

  5. Hello,
    Back at beating dad at fuseball in no time...keeping you in my thoughts today and sending you good wishes.
