Talia's Back

Talia's Back

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

No place like home

We had a good drive home yesterday.   Talia was pain free and happy to be heading north.   Today we got set up with her pump for nighttime feedings and Chico is home.  

Monday, April 21, 2014

Time to go Home

Sounds like we are going home tomorrow morning!  Talia will still have her tube in place and is a little embarrassed about it so has requested no visitors for a few days until her appetite improves and she can get the tube out.  Needless to say everyone is happy.  

stairs and x-rays

A couple of rewards and a visit from Happy

Two monter high create a monster kits for having an NG tube and 1 from physical therapy.
Happy came for a visit to make someone happy.  

Untethered and ready to race

She is tube free for 8 hours so time to eat on her own.  Time for a race right now.  

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Walk to the fish tank

Lots more energy after a couple of pizza slices.  

Mommy's turn for downtime

Easter bunny

The easter bunny found Talia this morning 

Spring in my step

A bit of relaxing for dad.  Good thing the sign on the back board was there otherwise I would be all over it.   Nothing but net.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Someone is a little taller

This is Talia and  Tracy going for a walk tonight  

they were virtually the same height Monday morning!   .  

Youth art exhibit at Kootenay Bakery - Nelson Star

Youth art exhibit at Kootenay Bakery - Nelson Star

Guess who is a little bit taller now?

Tracy's head is turned but you get the idea!  

Vinyl Cafe

Nothing like some Stuart McLean on a Saturday morning 
Had some ham for breakfast!  Incision is healing great.   

Friday, April 18, 2014


Talia had a tough day yesterday.   She is doing great walking and moving herself around but she had some pain adjusting to having the epidural taken out.   The oral medication is now working and the pain managed.  A side effect of the oral meds is a loss of appetite so this morning she had a tube added to get her calories up.   2300 / day is a lot to eat when you aren't feeling great.   She isn't very happy about the tube.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

A Rock Star

Talia has had the epidural removed and the drainage line too.  Last night she asked to get out of bed so she could go potty!  She had a bit of pain walking to there but she said it didn't hurt on the way back to bed.  The girl is a ROCK STAR!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

1 in 40 people have scoliosis

A visit with Peaches

How do you make a girl happy?

doing good

A couple of big goals today.  Eat protein and build blood back up, get into the chair three times and walk to the door and back.  No infecection and healing well.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

3 trips to the chair

Reward for 3 trips to the chair today

Before and after


Up and at em

Already out of bed

What's in my butt?

Talia had a good night and is back with her taliaisms.  
Here the nurses are giving her a breathing treatment.   Prior to the operation Talia was having trouble getting  deep breath.  She sys it feels good to breathe now.  

Monday, April 14, 2014

Bed time

Awake We'll sort of

Tired after a long day and Anxious to see the girl.  

Here she comes 

Thumbs up

Into her room

A tough transfer to her bed but now set for the night.

All done

Just met with the surgeon and everything went good.  She is still in recovery but will be down in a bit.  

She has 22 screws and a couple of rods in her now.   

Animation of surgery.

just got a call from the OR and the surgeon is closing up.  Once done he will come up and talk to us.  

Here is a good animation of the surgery.  A word of warning - don't watch an actual surgery.  

T3 to L3

update #3. -  we talked to the anesthesiologist and Talia went to sleep easily and everything is progressing smoothly.  They are putting in the hardware right now.  Her correction will be T3 - L3.  We are awaiting for another call from the OR nurse  

Just had a call from her nurse and she thinks a couple more hours.  They are still putting in the implants or hardware.  

Exceptional people extraordinary care

Update #2. Things are going good and progressing as scheduled!


We just had a call from the nurse in the or.  She says the actual surgery is underway now.  They started  around 10:30

Heading into the OR

9:17 and they wheeled her into the operating room.

6 am comes early

We arrived at the hospital at 6 am.  Talia is all checked in, showered and in her gown.  She is very anxious but the recreation person has given her a iPad to play on so she is keeping herself distracted.  We met with one of the doctors.  We are a Half hour or so away from the OR

Sunday, April 13, 2014

More Fun

Above there is no question who won this contest
Below ????????????????  

Spokane River from the Tram